We are very pleased to announce the launch of Global Shield, the world’s first international advocacy organization devoted to reducing all-hazards global catastrophic risk (GCR). The GCRPolicy newsletter is being renamed the Global Shield newsletter, but the focus will remain the same - to provide you with the latest developments on global catastrophic risk policy from around the world.
What is Global Shield?
Global Shield aims to work with governments worldwide to enact policies to better govern, understand, prevent, prepare for, and respond to global catastrophes, regardless of the threat that may produce them.
At Global Shield, we envision a world in which all governments have acted decisively to reduce and, where possible, eliminate GCR. Our mission is to ensure countries around the world enact and effectively implement policies that reduce GCR.
Who are we?
Global Shield is co-founded by Jared Brown, Ariel Conn and Rumtin Sepasspour.
Jared Brown, Executive Director, was previously the Director of U.S. and International Policy at the Future of Life Institute (linkedin).
Ariel Conn, Director of Operations & External Affairs, was previously a consultant on issues relating to autonomous weapons, AI ethics, and catastrophic risk more broadly (linkedin).
Rumtin Sepasspour, Director of Policy, was previously an independent researcher, adviser and public advocate for government action on global catastrophic risk (linkedin, twitter).
What’s next?
Global Shield takes an all-hazards approach to GCR. This approach is important because it provides a strategic policy framework to reduce GCR. It provides governments and societies a holistic view of risk reduction efforts, helps identify gaps in policy as well as linkages between different policy efforts and enables better prioritization and coordination of policies across government. Governments are also better able to address multiple threats and hazards at the same time when they adopt all-hazards policies.
Global Shield will initially focus on policy in the United States, but we intend to establish a network of national offices globally. Our first priority is the implementation of the Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act (GCRMA). Global Shield is working to ensure the timely and effective implementation of the GCRMA, which we believe is fundamental legislation to address global catastrophic risk.
You can find more information about us on our website. Follow Global Shield on Linkedin and Twitter.
We would appreciate it if you share this newsletter and our announcement with your networks. Reach out with any questions, and keep an eye out for more work from us.